How to keep your classroom clean!

Keeping a classroom clean is important at the best of times, but now, as children begin to return to school in the midst of a pandemic, it’s even more important. A dirty, badly maintained classroom could be a risk, and it doesn’t exactly create an inspiring learning environment. A well-maintained classroom can aid learning and help it to seem more fun. Here are some top tips to keep your classroom furniture clean.

Pen Marks

Some of the most damage to school & university furniture are pen marks. There are lots of ways that you can remove these kinds of marks with common household items. White vinegar is a common cleaning option, but a cloth dampened with hairspray is an effective choice too. You could also make a paste of baking soda and water. Apply the paste for 15 seconds to the marks, and then wipe it off with a clean cloth. 

Grease Stains

Whether there are greasy marks everywhere from forbidden snacks or little fingers, they can soon get everywhere in a classroom. Greasy stains are easy to remove with water and washing up liquid on a damp cloth. Use a reusable cloth, not paper towels, to reduce the waste your classroom produces. 

Chewing Gum

Removing chewing gum is one of the worst furniture cleaning tasks, but it needs doing in almost all classrooms. The classic method of removing ice from the underside of tables and chairs is to place a sealed bag of ice over the gum for a few minutes to harden it, and then scrape the gum with a tool like a putty knife that won’t damage the furniture. 

You can also dislodge stubborn gum with duct tape. Cover the remains with the tape, and then remove it. 


You should check over your furniture throughout the year to catch any minor damage before it develops into a bigger issue, and to prevent more major damage from occurring. Every few months, check all your furniture and fittings, like screws, and adjust where needed so any problems don’t get worse. 

It’s a good idea to buy lighter furniture when you can, so it is easier to lift. If tables and chairs are easy to lift, they’re less likely to be dragged across the floor when they need to be moved. Dragging can loosen elements and weaken joints, making damage more likely. 

Check that the weight of anything stored on shelves and storage units is well-distributed to help preserve the structural integrity. Heavier items should be placed on the bottom rather than the top. 

It can help to bring in a maintenance policy that lays out how your furniture ought to be cleaned, by whom, and how often. Include how any problems should be reported. This makes sure that your furniture maintenance is kept on top of before any bigger issues arise. 

A clean, well-maintained classroom is better for teachers and students alike and can aid in creating an inspiring, interesting learning environment that will help you teach. 

Post by Marc of Making English Fun

I have been a teacher of English for over 15 years, in that time i made hundreds and thousands of resources and learnt so much i think its worth sharing. Hopefully to help teachers and parents around the world.

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